Armored Undyne was made for Anime Matsuri 2016!


- Metallic vinyl
- Sheer fabric
- Worbla
- Craft foam
- Hot glue
- Zip ties
- Zippers
- Mehron Paradise makeup


I designed the armor to be lightweight and easy to work in while doing convention duties. I started with a basic black base: black leggings, black long sleeve turtleneck, boots, and gloves. The shins, gauntlets, and hip pieces were all made out of thin craft foam that was then covered in the metallic blue vinyl. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I was buying vinyl that had absolutely no stretch, so my idea to cover the foam in shiny fabric suddenly became significantly more difficult. Not impossible by any means, but manipulating the vinyl was tricky to get it to lay flat around curves. The shin pieces and gauntlets have zippers installed so that I can quickly get in and out of the pieces! Zippers are so easy to add to foam armor.

I chose to make the chest piece and pauldrons out of Worbla so that I could make sure that the most dynamic and hazardous parts of the costume were sturdy. I used zip ties to connect the pauldrons to the shoulders so that I could store and transport the costume more easily.

To finish off everything, I cut up some sheer navy fabric and draped it around the hips and pauldrons for a little extra texture and personal touch to the costume. I roughed up the edges with sandpaper to give it a battle worn look.